Driving choices for the older motorist, the role of self assessment tools.

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Cette étude aborde la question du vieillissement au regard de la question de la conduite, notamment concernant les capacités cognitives, sensorielles et psychomotrices.
.Editeur :Royal automobile club foundation for motoring, Londres. [Contribution internationale]. 122 p. Table des matières: 1- Introduction 1.1 Methodology 2- Current Knowledge on Older Drivers 2.1 Definitions of older drivers 2.2 The term ‘self-assessment’ 2.3 Demographic and licensing trends 2.4 The role of the car 2.5 Collision risk 2.6 Self-regulation 2.7 Facilitating better self-regulation 2.8 Age-related testing 2.9 Summary of evidence and its impact on the current policy context 3- Age-Related Changes in Cognitive, Sensory and Psychomotor Driving Capabilities 3.1 Cognitive, sensory and psychomotor abilities relevant to driving 3.2 How are functional abilities measured? 3.3 Transferability of functional test to self-assessment 4- Self-Assessment Tools 4.1 Benefits and limitations of self-assessments 4.2 Non-interactive self-assessment tools 4.3 Interactive self-assessment tools 4.4 Web-based assessment resources for family members 5-Summary, Critical Discussion and Recommendations 6- References
Rac foundation - Royal automobile club foundation for motoring
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